Aura Cleansing

What is aura cleansing?  


Do you ever walk into a room and sense that someone’s either the life of the party, or spot someone else whose tucked in a corner looking miserable?  Often, we can sense these things by someone’s facial expressions, but others can sense this in someone’s aura.  Aura is another word for a person’s energy, and we are often attracted to people who give off a positive energy, they make for interesting conversation, seem to exude happiness and drive.  Let’s face it, if there were two options to sit next to for a dinner party, would you choose the person giving off a positive aura, or would you choose the person giving off a negative aura?   


So, how do we get a positive aura and shine at the dinner party, make interesting conversations and generally be someone who people gravitate towards?  Well, there’s good news for you, you can conduct an aura cleansing for yourself and achieve just that. 


Auras are like magnetic fields of energy that pick up different energies and emotions along the way, they can pick up stresses, sadness as well as happiness.  If you have a positive aura but engage with someone experiencing trauma or stress, your own aura can collect this negative energy, which is why aura cleansing is so important to wash yourself free of any adverse feelings along the way.  Since we exchange with all sorts of people on a daily basis, cleansing is vital for a positive outlook on life. 


So how can we cleanse our aura?  Sometimes all you need is to take a bath, relaxing, using natural oils and smells to invigorate the senses, imagine the harmful energies slipping away and clear the brain.   Another method that is commonly used in aura cleansing is smudging.  This is the process of using a bunch of herbs, cedar, thyme or sage, tying them in a bundle and smoking them, passing the smoke fumes gently across your body, wafting the aroma around you. 


Freewriting is another way to cleanse your body.  Some people like to set a timer and set it to ten minutes.  During this time, you write any thoughts running through your brain, anything that is troublesome or good, just write it down and get it onto paper.  It acts as a stream of consciousness where your words and worries tumble out.  After writing for as long as you need you, you can then discard the paper, the writing has done its purpose. 


Breathing work acts as another way to relax and reset you.  You should begin with three deep, slow breaths in and out through the nose, watching your belly rise and fall.  Breathe in deeply through the nose and exhale in tiny, sharp breaths, pumping the diaphragm; continue inhaling and exhaling in these same tiny and sharp breaths, all the while pumping the belly to cleanse the aura. 


There are many more methods that are used for this purpose, sometimes these methods can be conducted daily, sometimes as often as they are needed.  Reiki energy healing is also a powerful method of cleansing your aura to wipe out the negative emotions and keep the positive ones. 


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